Firstly, let me say that I'm really glad all the idiots made it back alive. This could've gone a lot worse. And my plea to everyone is to always wear a seatbelt! (unless you're in Taha's car, which doesn't have any!)
The story goes something like this (and I might be wrong, as this is was told to me mostly by people not in the car). These guys are coming back from Thatta in two cars (Lodhi's and Adeel Malik's) with Sohaib/Aun/Anna/Zafirah and Adeel in his car, and Andrew/KLepo/Michael and Lodhi in the other. Obviously, this being a road trip of sorts, there's a lot of talking/singing going on in the cars, when suddenly Adeel Malik realizes there's a truck in front of his car, that he's going to bang into. Oh no! Lots of brakes, screams (probably Sohaib's), oh fucks (Aun) and praying (Zafirah) must've followed before the car actually hit the truck. Thankfully, no one got seriously injured (because of the seatbelts!!) and Adeel walked away with just a few scratches (and a heavily damaged car!) Regardless, he proceeded to come over to the Mansion for sheesha after, and the trooper that he is, will be joining us for Race tonight!
In the aftermath of this accident, Sohaib has taken to squealing every time Taha drives to fast (And those of you who've seen Taha's car must know that too fast in that isn't really that fast at all)