For some reason, last night the boys decided we were going to be coming into office at 9Am (usually we come in at 10, leave at 7 or after that). I think a motivator was the 9AM office tea we manage to miss everyday (we all love the tea, and the tea boy!) but whatever our individual motivations might have been, we were all up at 7:30 AM (unheard of, normally) and I actually got to say "have a good day" to Anna before she left for work (she leaves really early, usually

we're still sleeping). Within minutes, Sohaib and I were slaving away making breakfast for everyone (omelette's) and by 8:30, all dressed up, we were ready to leave. So far, on track for tea - yay!
So we get downstairs, head for Taha's car, and realize - oh no! - there's a punctured tire! Not letting this faze us one bit, Taha, KLepo and I start puttering around trying to get the spare on, and Sohaib, his usual useless self :P is standing in a corner, smoking. What follows is undoubtedly the funniest half hour I've ever experienced this early in the morning, unfortunately, I only started taking

pictures halfway through, and my camera phone ain't great, but regardless, there's some proof of the hilarity.
Anyway, I was talking about how the car tire was being changed. So just as Taha had managed to raise the car with the jack, bang!, the car fell off it. Like literally, just
slid off the jack! At first I thought Klepo (who was at the back) had accidentally pushed it, but looking over I realized he was no where near it! Taha's expression was priceless, KLepo was swearing in Slavak, and Sohaib and I couldn't stop laughing. Anyway, we

live above Gunsmoke, and even at this godless hour, they had people there, so they came over (to watch, I might add). So did two beggars who were roaming in the street. Pretty soon we had a good crowd going, Sohaib still smoking and smiling, KLepo giving suggestions, Taha trying to clean his pants of all the dust (he was all dressed up for a meeting) me taking pictures, and the car just standing there, half tilted into the sandy parking lot, with one tire missing!

Finally, Klepo came up with, what was, a brilliant suggestion. Let's put rocks right behind the wheel (Where the jack is supposed to go) so we can first lift the car and then put the actual jack in (since there was no space to put it in). So he starts collecting rocks, Taha starts digging a hole (I still don't know why!) and the rest of us are still standing there, smoking, watching, taking pictures.
Then comes the difficult part, raising the car that one extra inch or

two, so Taha can get the jack in. Finally, Sohaib decides to help, so Klepo and him start lifting the car, but don't get very far, since it's heavy, and well..they're no supermen! So Taha, who's still kneeling on the hot ground in his formals, yells at the beggars/Gunsmoke guys, "Dude, help us!!" and they all run over. Suddenly, there's too many people near the car, I'm expecting another fall, one of the guys is trying to put the jack way under the car (near the axle, by my guess) and Taha's like, "not there!".
What seems like an hour later (ok, no, 10 minutes!) the car is up on the jack, and miraculously, the rest of the tire changing procedure was completed within minutes by the onlookers, with Taha providing a little help. Sohaib, is standing around looking like he did a lot, Klepo is still smiling and Taha's like, "shit, my clothes are messed up now!" and I'm like "let's go!"

We leave, make a few stops at some petrol stations to get the punctured tire fixed, get to office at 9:20ish, thinking, "crap, we missed the tea!". Taha comes in, makes a call to the office kitchen, requests we still be given tea, and lo and behold, at 10:20ish, the tea makes its way to our office! Good morning, eh?
hahaha, this had me laughing out loud... i miss the mansion! and the karachi madness! and sohaib's useless self :) hugs!
Hahahahahahaha... very nicely done!!
i got soooo much to "comment" on this....hahah....errrm...but i wanna c tht priceless look on taha's face whn i diss him...hehhe...muhaahahahaha....
hahahah! Nida, usually it's the smart guys who do a lot of (mental) work. Sohaib is smart. So he did quite a lot! :P
The best was "Klepo starts swearing in Slavak"!
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