Tuesday, March 27, 2007


A worthy cause...

Arto, the guy who made the IC '06 video is making a movie, and he needs your support.

You can become a coproducer of my film 'Wszystko' (eng. 'Everything') and help me to make it as well. All you need to do is to support this film with a sum of at least 10 euros / 10 dollars / 5 pounds (higher amounts are very welcome). In exchange I will mention your name in the credits and moreover I will send you a DVD with the film to the adress given by you.

He's collected $2500 so far, so if you're up for it, log on to the film's website and donate!


For all those wondering, I'm in Lahore right now, not Karachi/Islamabad/or another country. My cell phone is broken, so email me instead :D

Lotsa stuff's happened...and I didn't have the time to post (read: too lazy), so here's a quick update...

- IPM 07: An amazing conference to be a part of. Best thing about it: meeting all the crazy elects!!

- Post IPM: Had a great post-stay with Salman Suhail and his great roommates!! Thanks guys! Got to see the Pyramids, Sphinx...2 down, 5 to go :D  

- NPM: Spent a relaxing week in Karachi, and participated in the best 2 day conference EVER! Here's to next year and the coolest NLT ever!!

Here's something that I've had opened for the last couple of days, but wasn't sure if I had the guts to put out there. My nohari window (an inversion of the johari window) can be accessed here. For those of you who haven't contributed to my johari window yet, that's over here.

That's all for right now...I think my first post in a few months should be short :D

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