Thursday, August 03, 2006

If you comment on this post::

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do this for you, you must re-post this on your blog.


Mikaal said...

I like this random thing

its fun ..:P

Nida Rasheed said...


1. I've always wanted to hear you play the guitar!
2. MCP 06-07!
3. black
4. it's very easy to become friends with you since you're very approachable
5. came to pick us up at the train station for SDC, and wouldn't tell us who was chair.
6. a dog, a labrador to be specific :)
7. are you single ;)
8. now post!!

Anonymous said...

blogger ate my comment - I already have this on my blog courtesy: Nic, does that count?

Mikaal said...


1: i'll send u couple of my rough compositons
2: MCP 06-07, hmmmmmmm... that might conflict with sum other plans of mine ;)
3: -
4: -
5: -
6: i haf no idea wat a labrador knowlodge on dogs is limited to the DU roll call.:P
7: I like to think i m single, im pretty sure i am :P

8: that one out.......mikaal.blogspot is the non-@ blog

Mikaal said...


Nic said...

me me me!

Nida Rasheed said...

1. do you still have the donkey poster from shrek 2?
2. stand up for what you want!
3. orange! and not because it's @ colours
4. you can always a smile on my face :)
5. at IC '05, you talking about that New Zealander (yes, I know I should have earlier memories, but I don't!)
6. a spaniel!
7. what's with the dt/pd commission??
8. now post!

Nida Rasheed said...

1. You were too good to have left AIESEC
2. I would say PAI, but it doesn't apply anymore! So I guess...just don't give up when things look bad.
3. green
4. Your ability to logically analyze situations :)
5. Taking you to the hospital before SDC.
6. A koala bear :D dunno why...
7. Has the hair grown back?
8. yay!! full circle :)

Anonymous said...

No i left it at the mc house - i wonder who has it now!
And about your question, Nida as much as I respect your EB, you should know I would go for someone like New Zealander (Nick!)

Its already on my blog - so post and I'll reply!:)

Nic said...

Who said I've left AIESEC? Once an aiesecer always an aiesecer!

I'm only temporarily inactive. There are plenty of avenues to go down... like internship for instance!

I'll post a pic of me soon, yes the hair is back, about as long as it was in Pakistan. However I'm gonna shave it all off again soon! I also have a beard now... gonna get rid of that though... too itchy!

I miss Pakistan and I'm really looking forward to going over next year. Supposing you're gonna be there, you'd better put aside some time for me!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nida!!! How is IC prep going on??? How's Poland??? :):):) I miss you!Good luck with everything and keep in touch!

leeqa said...


leeqa said...

now "do" me

Nida Rasheed said...

1. that green shalwar qameez really suits you!
2. come back to Pakistan! Or come to IC '06!
3. purple!
4. you can fix a bad mood very quickly!
5. you entering the delhi apartment
6. a mouse!
7. will you ever eat spicy food?
8. don't have a blog!

Nida Rasheed said...

1. tony!!
2. sit still for an entire hour!!
3. red!
4. you're the most determined person i know!
5. your interview! you were in a suit and nervous as hell!!
6. a monkey :D
7. what's with the crazy "i've never" statements!!
8. post!

leeqa said...

ok done.... :)

leeqa said...

hehe... "the most determined person"... dude.... no!!!
and with the "i've never statements"... i make it go beyond "ohhhh--- i have a crush on this and that"

and guess what? im tryin to ressurect the ic 2005 delegate booklet :P

PierreF said...

Oh what the heck! :D

Nida Rasheed said...

1. how's the skulling going?
2. come to pakistan!! (not much of a challenge, but worth a shot!)
3. yellow
4. your laugh :P
5. we were having a discussion during Natcong '05 (udaipur) in break out groups, and you came and joined it.
6. a st. bernard
7. delhi or mumbai?
8. ding dong!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nida, but WHY A MOUSE???? :)
Good luck with IC!!! They are really lucky to have you in the CC Team!!!

saba said...


PierreF said...

1. Do you still wear your bandana?
2. next year, you and Emaad at IPM! :)
3. Red
4. Your frankness
5. NatCong 05 - but i do have vague memories of seeing pictures of you guys from when you came to NLDS 04
6. Daschund?! You remind me more of a winter jacket, but since I have to give an animal... don't even ask :P
7. Will you be doing body shots at IC?! :P
8. emmm - this one's been covered lol

Nida Rasheed said...

1. did you sleep at all during JNC?
2. no smoking for one week!
3. black :)
4. your confidence!
5. your blood shot eyes at IC '05!!
6. a cat! a cat who smokes like a chimney!
7. will you sleep at IC '05??
8. post!

Nida Rasheed said...

1. Sex Bomb!!
2. Wear something that isn't expensive!
3. Red
4. You know how to have fun!!
5. umm...dinner at pizza hut when we were filing out the indian visa forms.
6. a furry, snobbish cat! :P
7. Did you get to share showers with anyone at JNC??
8. Go post!

S.Demotion said...

go for it!

Nida Rasheed said...

1. Remember the time Adeel broke your tooth in half?? :D
2. talk more :P
3. yellow (don't ask me why, i don't know. it's the first thing that came to mind)
4. you're still as pakistani as you were when you left :)
5. hmm...this is tough. the first clear memory is when we once picked you up from your grandmothers house after school. I was in grade one or two i think.
6. a turkey!! lol...!! this has to do with a trip to 323!
7. how angry were you when we put the itching powder on you?
8. go post!

S.Demotion said...

A turkey? 323? What's that?

I still remember, it was 3-3 and we were playing hockey in an intense match-luckily there are good dentists around!!!

The itching powder, I wanted to kill you guys!!! Luckily I dont get angry anymore, so dont worry!

I would talk more in Pakistan but what people dont know, is that it takes me a long time to organise my urdu. Nabil jsut avoids it altogether, lol.

Hasan said...

me me me now!!! :D

its so much fun..

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