Friday, October 13, 2006


life is about to take a turn towards being boring pretty soon. not that my life so far has been the stuff real good movies are made out of - but it's definitely not been boring, especially the last four years, more specifically the last two years.

i'm staring at what is the end of my collegt education - which means i'll move out of the dorms, move into more suitable and predictable living quarters, stop staying up all night watching recently downloaded tv shows, and stop ordering food from the khokha at 3 am. It also means i have to make a decision. what am i doing next?

which brings me to the reason the last two years have been specifically interesting - i joined AIESEC in the fall of 2004. for the last two years, my non-AIESEC friends have either had to see me go off to other countries, or had to deal with the streams of guests that pass through my dorm room door. that's what's made the last two years very interesting.

now i have to make a decision - continue with AIESEC, or get a job. believe me, i know what i want to do, unfortunately, the saying that you're your own man after college is really very untrue. just as we're our parent's children our entire life, we're also bound to recieve advice - and in my case "direction" - from them our entire life.

the decision needs to be made soon - an interesting life, or a boring one.


saba said...

Take your time =) Make a decision that you won't doubt a hundred times later =)

See you soon!

Nic said...

hahaha. An interesting life vs a boring one. Now is that a simplification or what!

Nida, you will succeed in whatever arena you head into.

If you do head in the direction of a graduate position, it's not the end of the earth. In fact, you'll make the most of any opportunities that come up and soon enough, maybe a few months after you start working, I have no doubts that you'll be your normal busy self, with expanding expanding horizons and exciting opportunities to pursue in many directions. I like to think that just as life can be viewed as a succession of challenges, one after another, life is also a succession of opportunities - therefore whatever you do, it won't be boring.

Moreover, you'll always have your AIESEC network, and many things will come out of that.

I'll be cheering you on regardless of the direction you choose :)

E said...

I was thinking of having some kind of a deep comment here. But I think the two above have encapsulated it well.

Don't decide what you will regret, but also know that you will succeed in either case.

Doesn't help too much eh?

chitgo said...

ahh the famous crossroads.
dont be so harsh on the world outside aiesec:), it rules in more ways then what we tend to imagine being within the organization....;)

good luck with the decision and stay true to form!

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