Saturday, January 05, 2008

And so it happened...

I just came out of an event I'd been waiting for for the last year, maybe a little more :) AIESEC Lahore's 2008/2009 LCP elections. Here's why:

In September 2005, we recruited some great kids into AIESEC. We recruited a couple of freshmen, and some of these went on to become EB members that December. One of them, Hasan, sat down with me at a national conference, and we planned what he was going to do in AIESEC for the next 4 years. We realized that in order to run for MCP, he'd need to stay fully involved in the LC till he graduated, thus making it logical that he apply for LCP at some stage. The best time to do this was his last year - 2008/2009.

Later that year, at a mid-year recruitment, we recruited another freshman (one of many), who, we quickly realized, was able to get along with anyone, and ended up becoming someone the EB would turn to when trying to work out LC problems. That was Adeel. Somewhere in the middle of 2006, he too realized he wanted to to apply for the EB, and then maybe later, LCP. in the 2008/2009 term :)

(This is turning into an Indian movie, sorry!)

Anyway - today was those elections. Two people we'd recruited, seen take on various positions, with various results were running against each other (plus Bubloo, but this story is not about him, sorry again!). They were both equally good, both had been trained equally well. The difference was their approach on what the LC needed to do next year, and how they were going to get it done.

People have asked me, who would you rather win. I can't choose, it's not a fair question. Since 2006, I'd known one of these guys would be LCP 2008/2009 - but over the years I had varied opinions on who would do a better job, depending on their recent successes and failures. For me, they were both ideal candidates, unfortunately, there's only one LCP :)

Anyway, I just came out of elections, and we have the answer - the LCP for AIESEC Lahore 2008/2009 is Adeel Hasan. I couldn't be happier, I couldn't be sadder. It's so odd.

Congrats Adeel - you're going to do a great job! And Hasan, MCP elections 2009/2010 are next year :)


E said...


Anyway, I had a real weird experience too. We've seen these people right from the start.. I guess you have moreso than me. But I wouldn't have wanted to be a voter, today! It would have been such a tough decision.

In the end, there's always one winner and I'm happy for him. And I'm glad the other(s) did their best!

With such quality of people, our LC is going to be fine, I'm sure!

Lots of thoughts,

Ad said...

Very interesting story! :)
Thank you!

chitgo said...

congratulations adeel! :)

Hasan said...

Loved your post.. made me go back n forth during the events of last 2 odd years!

n thanks :)

luv, Hasan.

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