Saturday, March 14, 2009

Toilet Training #1

Before I got the two kittens I went to every website/blog to better understand how to take care of them. Cats are a little (!!) more high maintenence than dogs so I knew I'd need to be prepared or I'd have two brats on my hand pretty soon. Anyway, the interesting thing that I discovered was that having a litter box in the house is NOT the only option as far as #1 and #2 go for the cats. That's when I started digging deeper into the whole "toilet training a cat" kind of blog posts.

Anyway, now that the kittens are here, settled in (including having approved the latest recipe for homecooked food) I figured it was time to take the plunge. With 4 blogs guiding me, I started taking the necessary steps to get them trained to use the toilet like we do (sans the book reading, of course). 

Today was day 2. I started yesterday by moving their litter box into the bathroom. Today the litter box is on top of my (closed) toilet. Once they're used to this, we shall progress further. The only annoying thing today was that they didn't know how to get to the litter box (there's a low stool next to the toilet they need to jump on first) so I had to pick them up after every few hours and put them in myself. After doing this four times, I figured I needed to get them to be more independent so using a toy, I made them jump to and from the litter box a couple of times. Hopefully there won't be any presents waiting for me outside the litter box when I wake up in the morning. 

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