Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 3: I'm a learner, you idiot!!

Day 3 was by far much more exciting then both previous days put together - we were on an actual road!! 

We started off from the F-9 Park, I drove all the way from there to Margallah Road, and then to F-11, from where the other students took over and drove us back. I was pretty good, if I may say so. Scared at intersections, but hit 60 km and third gear (!!) and didn't get told off or anything. The girl who started after me was also pretty good, as was the last student in our class. 

The aunty (number 3 in line) was a bit unformtunate though. First she couldn't understand how to put the car in gear (yesterday's lesson aunty!!) so kept getting this wrong and was finally told off! Then she couldn't get the car to start, and finally could NOT understand how to go from first to second gear. Huff! It was embarassing sitting in the car while she was getting scolded, but even more scary when she DID get the car rolling and kept taking erratic turns right and left, driving the car in both lanes simultaneously, and those who understand my fear of car accidents will get how TOTALLY freaked out I was! Dying in a car accident while learning how to drive a car is not how I want to go! 

The only irritating thing today was the other drivers on the road. I mean, you can see the big red L all over the car, as well as the sign on top stating that it's a driving school car, so STOP with the honking you ass!! Everytime we slowed down, the car behind us would start honking, essentially confusing us even more! 

Anyway, the best part of the lesson wasn't the actual lesson but the lesson I got afterwards. To brief you first, I am driven to my lesson by my dad, but then take a cab back home. So I hailed a cab, and got in. This really old uncle was driving, and boy was he chatty! Once he learnt I was a learner driver, he had all kinds of tips for me; stay in your lane, use the indicator, don't use your cell phone, which were quite useful, albeit stuff I already knew. He didn't believe in seatbelts, and was very happy with the Islamabad Traffic Police since he said " I once saw them cut a ticket for an Army General for not stopping behind the white line." He used to be a construction worker in Dubai, where he drove trucks, and then when he hit 60 they sent him back home so he's been a taxi driver since 2002, which makes him in the late 60s. Cool guy, deserved a tip, which he got, for all the tips he gave me :) 


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